Avda. Espioca, 191
Fax: 34 96 1212570
Our company it is consolidated in Hotel business sector. We are manufacturer of the very well considered industrial kitchens and their equipment products, fryers, frytops, boiler pans, hot cupboards and freezers, cold tables, etc...
We are integrated principally with resellers, so in the most different sectors like, hotels, clinics, hospitals, schools, geriatric residences, national army, prepared food services, catering... We supply a full service, taking the maximum care in every detail.
COCINAS SALA has an auxiliary department of economic studies and projects.
Our projects permit to carry out since the idea, until the manufacturing and installation, having a professional team who are ever ready to give you advice. We make real the need and dreams of every customer – our experience it is our guarantee -.
Our range of products it is situated in the high and competitive level of the rest of the market.
Our best achievement? maximum attention and better service.
armarios calientes
armarios frigoríficos
bajomostrador refrigerado
barbacoas carbón vegetal
barbacoas gas
botelleros frigoríficos
campanas de recogida de humos
carros calientes con humidificador
carros de degustación
carros de distribución de comida
carros de servicio
carros para cestas
carros portabandejas
carros portaplatos
cocinas industriales
cocinas snack
elementos de autoservicio y buffet
escarchador de copas
expositor de tapas, caliente
expositores de tapas, neutro
expositores de tapas, refrigerado
filters, oil
freezing, cabinets
freidoras eléctricas
freidoras gas
Fry top
hornos convencionales
kettles, bain marie
kettles, pressure
líneas modulares snack
marmitas basculantes
mesas calientes
mesas de cocina
mobiliario para cocina
muebles cafeteros
parrillas carbón
parrillas gas
planchas de asar
planchas rápidas de cromo duro
ranges, vertical
salamandras gratinadoras
sartenes basculantes
tiger nut milk makers
tostadoras de pan
vitrinas calientes
vitrinas frigoríficas
vitrinas neutras